Draft Synodical Document

Πέμπτη 5 Οκτωβρίου 2023


Daniel H. Williams, Baylor University, The Harvard Theological Review,  Vol. 104, No. 2 (APRIL 2011), pp. 217-232

The anonymous “Incipit fides Nicaena” is a unique, though much ignored, Latin text from the later fourth century. Its only critical edition, from a sole ninth century codex, was first prepared in 1913 by Cuthbert H. Turner, under the title of Commentarius in Symbolum Nicaeanum. Turner’s version was reprinted in the first volume of the Patrologiae Latinae Supplementum (1958). There has been almost no further scholarly work done on this text since Turner’s edition, nor has it been translated into any European language. As a result, no questions have been asked about the bearing of this work on post-Nicene doctrinal history as our understanding of the Nicene-“Arian” conflicts has been reformulated over the last two decades. In this essay, I want to address this gap in our understanding, although it must be said that there are more questions than answers raised by the existence of this small document. Specifically, we will see how this unique text sheds light on the theological influence which the Nicene Creed began to have in western churches in the second half of the fourth century. An attempt will also be made to demonstrate how this primitive explanation of the Creed offers an indication of its own approximate date and context. 

 Reading more: A Catechetical Address on the Nicene Creed?

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