Beatitude Patriarch Daniel sent a video message for Easter in which he
encourages the faithful to stay in communion of prayer. He asks for the
Lord’s blessing over the doctors, carers and state leaders, whishing
Romania and the world good health, hope and peace. The video and full
text of his message:
The feast of the Resurrection of our crucified and buried Lord Jesus
Christ shows the victory of His humble and merciful love over sin, hell
and death. That is why the Orthodox Church joyfully sings: “Christ is
risen from the dead trampling down death by death and upon those in the
tombs bestowing life.”
The feast of the Resurrection of the Lord or Holy Pascha is a source
of joy and peace, of light and hope in our struggle with life’s
This year we celebrate Holy Pascha at times of sadness, during a
pandemic which induces fear, the fear of sickness and death, while state
authorities need to take measures in order to stop the spread of the
In this context, the Church is in pain, as its servants and the
faithful cannot pray together in the same church, in the same place of
worship. From this point of view, the faithful’s homes from each parish
become family chapels united in prayer with their parish churches,
professing their common faith in the crucified and risen Christ.
We also need to prove our humble and merciful love to all around us, especially to sick, poor, lonely and sad people.
Let us pray to our crucified and risen Saviour Jesus Christ to bless
all the doctors and carers who help the sick and also all those who work
for the Romanian people’s welfare.
We pray to our Lord Jesus Christ, who rose from death, to give to the
Romanian people and the whole world good health and help, hope, peace
and joy.
We wish you all Happy Easter and we address you the Paschal Greeting: “Christ is risen!”