On Monday 11 May, from 17:30-18:30 (BST) the Institute invites you to an online web conference entitled: ‘Lockdown conversations at IOCS’.
The event intends to be the first of a new internet-based series of
live events dealing with the effects of the COVID19 on Orthodox faith
communities in the UK and abroad, including exploring questions of
theology, liturgical practice, faith in the public and private space,
and Church and State relations, to name but a few.
Next Monday’s event is intended as a pilot event and will include a panel of
6 UK-based, clergy and lecturers, closely involved in the activity and research
life of IOCS: Archpriest Stephen Platt (IOCS Chairman, General Secretary of the
Fellowship of St Alban and St Sergius, Rector of St Nicholas the Wonderworker
Russian Orthodox Church in Oxford), Archpriest Raphael Armour (IOCS Associate
Chaplain, Rector of the Russian Orthodox Parish of St Ephraim the Syrian,
Cambridge), Father Dragos Herescu (IOCS Principal, Moderator), Dr Elizabeth
Theokritoff (Associate Lecturer IOCS), Dr Christoph Schneider (Academic
Director IOCS), Dr Razvan Porumb (Vice-Principal IOCS).
The focus of this first event will be on pastoral and ecclesiological
issues, on environmental questions and opportunities raised by the lockdown
conditions, on how it affects ecumenical fellowship and relations, and on the
dialogue between science and politics.
The panel discussion will be followed by an opportunity from the live
audience to ask questions, but we strongly recommend that you submit
questions in advance, by email to info@iocs.cam.ac.uk, to enable speakers to consider them in advance.
The event will be held via Zoom. Since the number of Zoom
participants is limited, participation will be on a first come, first
served basis. The link for the meeting will be provided shortly – please
watch this space.
A poster for the event can be downloaded here.