his annual message occasioned by the Sunday of the Myrrhbearers, His
Beatitude Patriarch Daniel expressed his gratitude to Christian women
for being ‘models of faith and courage in times of trial.’
The message that will be read throughout the Romanian Patriarchate
this Sunday reminds of the presence of the myrrh-bearing women at
Christ’s tomb as an act of great bravery and witness. Since their love
was greater than fear, the Myrrhbearers proved to be more devoted to the
Lord than the apostles.
On this occasion, the Patriarch of Romania thanked and blessed all
Christian women, who show the same sacrifice and courage in their
families and in society, by educating children and caring for the
elderly.The Myrrh-bearing Women – models of faith and courage in times of trial: full text
Christ is risen!
On the third Sunday after Easter, also called the Sunday of the
Myrrhbearers, the Orthodox Church commemorates and honours the Holy
Myrrh-bearing Women, who came to the tomb of the Saviour Jesus Christ
with precious myrrh, receiving from the angels, before all, the news
that Christ had risen from the dead.
These myrrh-bearing women became bold confessors of the Lord’s
Resurrection, becoming worthy of the great joy of meeting the Risen
Christ Himself (Matthew 28: 9).
From the New Testament, we know the names of the myrrh-bearing women:
Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of Jacob and Joseph or Josiah, Mary of
Cleopas, Joanna the wife of Chuza, the steward of King Herod, Salome and
Susanna, who helped the Saviour and the Holy Apostles in the holy work
of preaching the gospel. To these are added Martha and Mary, the sisters
of Lazarus of Bethany.
The presence of the myrrh-bearing women at the tomb of the Lord is an
act of great courage and responsible acceptance to profess the faith,
in that their love for Christ the Lord was stronger than the fear
produced by those who decided His crucifixion.
Through their faithfulness and godliness, the myrrh-bearing women
proved more courageous and devoted to the Lord Jesus Christ than His
disciples, becoming “apostles to the Apostles,” as St. John Chrysostom
called them.
In the context of the year 2020, proclaimed in the Romanian Patriarchate as Solemn Year of the pastoral care of parents and children,
we remember with gratitude our mothers and grandmothers, female
educators, teachers and professors of religion who instilled in children
and young people the faith in the crucified and risen Christ, forming
them as believers in the Romanian Orthodox Church and the Romanian
Permanently industrious in family life, helping their spouses and
parents, raising children in the faith, or praying and working in
monasteries, hospitals, and other institutions, godly and brave
Christian women have been witnesses to the faith at all times.
That is why the names of many Christian women have been inscribed in
the church calendar, being bright and prayerful portraits for the whole
Even today, pious and hardworking Christian women in our country
cultivate merciful love for suffering people in hospitals and social
care institutions. They support the religious education of children, but
mainly, as mothers and wives, they bring holy peace and joy to families
and society.
In particular, we appreciate the sacrifice of Christian women who are
medical personnel (doctors, nurses) and work skillfully and
sacrificially to treat and heal those affected by the current pandemic.
On the occasion of the Sunday of the Myrrh-bearing Women, we address
thanks and blessings to all Christian women for their entire work done
for the welfare of the Romanian people, and we wish them all good health
and help in life, peace and holy joy, for many and blessed years!
† DANIELPatriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church
Photography courtesy of Basilica.ro / Raluca Ene
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