Fordham University, The Orthodox Christian Studies CenterWomen and Ordination in the Orthodox Church: A Conversation with Gabrielle Thomas & Elena Narinskaya
Wednesday, February 23, 2022
9:30 a.m.
Online webinar via Zoom
The Orthodox Christian Studies Center at Fordham University
is delighted to present the next episode of its webinar series
highlighting the scholarly insights and academic careers of female
scholars whose research and writing explore some facet of the history,
thought, or culture of Orthodox Christianity. The broadcast will be
livestreamed and open to all who have pre-registered. The event will
include some time for live audience questions. For those who miss the
live event, the Center will archive each episode on its website and
YouTube channel.
This episode features an interview with Gabrielle Thomas and Elena Narinskaya whose bios can be found below.
Orthodox Christian Studies Center events are free and open to the public
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Dr. Elena Narinskaya
is the Spalding Research Fellow in Comparative Religion at Cambridge
University. Her main research interest lies is in the area of Scriptural
studies / Biblical exegesis within the context
of three monotheistic religions, i.e. Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
She has previously worked with
early Jewish-Christian interpretations of Exodus in the fourth century
Syria and Palestine, and
published her first book on the basis of her PhD in 2010. Since then she
started researching the Qur’anic
presentation of the Exodus stories. She recently submitted her third
monograph to Rutledge on the
stories of Moses in Jewish, Christian and Muslim sources. She studied
Judaism and Hebrew in Jerusalem in 1999-2000, followed by completion of
MA programme at the Centre for Jewish-Christian Relations in Cambridge
in 2002. She also studied
Syriac language and Syriac Christian tradition of biblical exegesis in
Cambridge. At Durham
University she completed her Doctorate in Biblical Exegesis in Syria and
Palestine in 2007, which was
followed by Post-Doctoral Licentiate in Divinity from the University of
Wales, Lampeter (2008-
2011). She also studied Arabic and Tafsir Qur’an at Durham University
and in Alexandria, Egypt. In
2012-2015 she held a research position at the Centre for
Muslim-Christian Studies in Oxford where she worked on her third
monograph. For the academic year of 2015-2016 she moved to Dublin City
University in Ireland where she worked on creating the Centre for
Interreligious Dialogue. From
October 2017-Aug 2018 she was working on her fourth monograph at Clare
Hall, Cambridge
University as the Spalding Research Fellow. For the academic year,
2017/18 she was
invited to Ruhr-Universität Bochum as an academic research fellow. Since
December 2018 she has been an Associate Member of Theology Department
at the University of Oxford.
The Rev. Dr. Gabrielle Thomas is Assistant Professor of
Early Christianity and Anglican Studies at Emory University. In
addition to authoring a significant number of journal articles, book
chapters, and reviews, she has published three books: The Image of God
in the Theology of Gregory Nazianzus (monograph, Cambridge, 2019), Women
and Ordination in the Orthodox Church: Explorations in Theology and
Practice (co-edited, Cascade, 2020), and For the Good of the Church:
Unity, Theology and Women (monograph, SCM Press, 2021). An ordained
priest in the Church of England, she has served churches as both a lay
and an ordained leader. As a committed ecumenist she serves on the
Anglican and Oriental Orthodox International Commission.
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