The Patriarch of Romania urged the thousands of pilgrims who attended the Divine Liturgy on the feast day of Bucharest Patron Saint Demetrios the New to have the humility and courage as the woman with the issue of blood, and to acquire humility and hope as Jairus.
Offering his reflections on the gospel reading from Luke 8:41-56, Patriarch Daniel said that the woman with a blood issue and Jairus ‘become for us teachers of humility, faith and merciful love.’
The patriarch pointed to St Demetrios the New, ‘a humble man with a strong faith and merciful love,’ to Saint Philothea of Arges, ‘who was 12, the same age Jairus’ daughter had, and was devout, compassionate, patient and humble,’ and to Saint Dionysius of Cetatea Alba, ‘a humble, merciful hierarch with a strong faith in troubled times.’
‘Faith and humility bring healing of sickness and resurrection from the dead,’ the patriarch said as a conclusion for the two miracles related in the bible reading.
Patriarch Daniel stressed that ‘our Saviour Jesus Christ is very sensitive, He feels human suffering and suffers together with people.’
His Beatitude explained that Jesus Christ responded to the calling of Jairus the synagogue leader because He saw three great virtues: humility, when he fell at the feet of Jesus and asked Him to come to heal his daughter; faith, he believed that only Jesus can save his daughter from death; the love of a compassionate father, since Jairus identified himself with the suffering of his daughter.
The Patriarch also highlighted the strong faith and the humility of the woman with an issue of blood who was healed by Jesus on His was to Jairus’ house.
‘This humble and suffering woman receives healing, but she receives two additional gifts from God,’ the patriarch said Oct. 27.
‘Seeing that she was shaking with embarrassment and emotion, Jesus told her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace.” So He gave her healing, the honour to be called a daughter and a peaceful life.’
At the end of his sermon, Patriarch Daniel offered his prayers to the three Saints whose relics were displayed for veneration, to intercede with Christ for ‘deep humility, strong faith and merciful love.’
Tens of hierarchs concelebrated with the Patriarch of Romania on Sunday marking the feast day of Saint Demetrios the New, Protector of Bucharest, at the outdoor altar of the Patriarchal Cathedral.
Photography courtesy of Basilica.ro / Mircea Florescu
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