His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew attended the 10th
World Assembly of Religions for Peace in Lindau (Germany) from 20-23
August 2019 where he delivered the keynote address. Religions for Peace,
in partnership with the Foundation Peace Dialogue of the World
Religions and Civil Society, is the world’s most representative,
multi-religious gathering of religious communities.
Every 5-7 years,
Religions for Peace convenes a World Assembly for the purpose of forging
a deep moral consensus on contemporary challenges, electing a new World
Council and advancing multi-religious action across and beyond the
Religions for Peace network.
The Religions for Peace 10th World Assembly, under the theme “Caring
for our Common Future: Advancing Shared Well-being,” was attended by 800
senior religious leaders, youth and women of faith from over 100
countries, joined by 100 representatives of governments,
intergovernmental organizations and civil society groups to forge
multi-stakeholder partnerships for the common good. Previous Religions
for Peace Assemblies have resulted in highly effective multi-religious
projects in peacebuilding and development in all word regions.
In his keynote address, His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch
Bartholomew underlined that “nobody—not a nation, not a state, not a
religion, nor science and technology—can face the current problems
alone. We need one another; we need common mobilization, common efforts,
common goals, common spirit. Our future is common, and the way toward
this future is a common journey.” He pointed out that “We live in an
imperfect world and together, through common action and creative
initiatives, we must make it a better world, not only for the present
generation, but also for those to come. Our children and our children’s
children deserve a world of freedom, of comprehensive peace and justice,
of generosity and compassion, free from violence against nature and our